Oncology Massage
An Oncology Massage session is customized, specific to each client, and designed to meet the unique and changing needs of people in active treatment, with a history of cancer, as well as those at the end of life. Oncology Massage can only be provided by a massage therapist who has an informed understanding of the disease and the many ways it can affect the human body. A safe massage plan revolves around the short and long-term side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.
Traditional and established massage therapy techniques are adapted to each person’s unique health situation and needs. Typical modifications are session’s length, pressure, direction of strokes, positioning of the client to accommodate medical devices, like medipods, or to protect areas of specific concern, as bone metastases or skin reactions to treatment.
Oncology Massage training assures that your therapist will NOT: create lymphedema, mobilize a deep vein thrombosis (blood clot), compromise your possible immunosuppressed state, move chemotherapy drugs through your body more quickly than intended, over-tax your already exhausted body.
General benefits of Oncology Massage
● deep relaxation
● reduced stress, anxiety, nausea, pain
● improved sleep
● eased constipation
● increased alertness and mental clarity
Following surgery for cancer
● easier recovery from anesthesia
● reduced post-surgical pain
● improved mobility and appearance of surgical scars
● reduced swelling
● improved range of motion
● easier adaptation to implants and expanders
Following radiation or chemotherapy
● reduced anxiety in advance of and during treatment
● reduced post-treatment fatigue
● improved appetite
● improved peripheral neuropathy
Emotional benefits of Oncology Massage
● decreased anxiety
● decreased depression
● increased feelings of well-being
● being pleasantly distracted
● improved body self-image
● restored hope
● satisfaction in participating actively in a part of the healing process
Quotes from Oncology experts:
Dana Zakalik, MD, Director of the Cancer Genetics Program at Beaumont Hospitals in Michigan:
“Many patients can benefit significantly from massage therapy, both for symptom management and improvement of wellbeing, which plays a critical role in the patient’s recovery from cancer treatment.”
Oncology Nurse Clinician Cheryl Bartley, Beaumont Royal Oak:
“We’ve gotten an overwhelming positive response to the massage service. It helps the patients relax, decreases their anxiety, makes them feel generally better, especially with tolerating their pain. Patients express gratitude for this service all the time; it’s been wonderful.”
I started seeing Anna during chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer. She was an integral part of my healing process. Her touch and compassion was such a relief and a relaxing break from the hospital and all the medical procedures. Years after I am still seeing her regularly. I would highly recommend Anna during such stressful time.
-Watanabe H.